
We find them – we motivate them – we assess them

Together, we create the future

Populos provides recruitment solutions with a focus on analysis and structure.
Using search, we work with recruitment of top executives, specialists and board members – profiles that are usually hard to find.

We find them – and we understand what motivates them.

Both the public and private sectors need skilled managers and employees who can generate results and who fit in with the company’s culture and strategic goals. Often they need to be identified among a small selection of qualified candidates, and geographic considerations can make it difficult to attract the best candidates.

Hiring a new employee is an investment. Therefore, recruitment has to lead to long-term gain – both for the company and the candidate. We will find the ideal person who could be the key to your future success.

It is important that the individual recruitment is considered within a greater perspective for the organisation. Because of this, Populos always offers to carry out the recruitment within a strategic framework.

Rekruttering af topledere, specialister og bestyrelsesmedlemmer

What motivates managers and specialists?

Populos has a comprehensive understanding of what motivates managers and specialists to change jobs. In a research study in 2014, Rikke Krogh analysed 2,700 candidates from’s user panel. The title of the study is: “What drives them?”

The report is a comprehensive qualitative analysis of what it takes for managers and specialists to change jobs. The analysis constitutes Populos’ theoretical foundation and reference framework, and it has led to the development of a job motivation model, which we use to uncover the potential motivation factors of the candidates.

The Populosconcept

The Populos concept is our DNA, and it is an integrated part of our recruitment process. The Populos concept consists of two elements:

– A thorough analysis of the job design for the specific job.
– A benchmark of the specific job against corresponding positions on the job market.

Populos’ model for job design and motivation factors was developed on the basis of a number of leading theories on job motivation, combined with the results of a comprehensive study of the most important motivation factors for switching jobs. See the analysis here

The analysis of the job design means that we dig deeper than the professional requirements and work tasks, for instance by identifying the job factors that motivate candidates.

Motivation factors – both external and internal – can relate to the individual work tasks, areas of responsibility and the way the tasks have to be resolved. Similarly, management and company culture play a critical role. External factors, such as geography and salary, play a more important role for some professional groups than for others.

Analysis of the job design is part of the preliminary analysis. This, combined with thorough research of the competencies available on the job market and in light of the newest theories on job-related motivational factors, ensures that we systematically attract and activate relevant profiles.

The master’s thesis “What drives them” is a qualitative study of motivational factors in candidates (both managers and specialists). The thesis forms the foundation of our methodology concerning job design and the Populos concept.


We got the ideal employee

A recruitment process with Rikke is a partnership aimed not only at finding a suitable candidate, but the best candidate for the job.
Rikke is thorough and continuously ensures high quality throughout her search by asking calibration and qualifying questions.
As a company, you can look forward to a qualified field of candidates and a structured and effective presentation round.
The fact that the candidates provide good feedback concerning their experience with the process completes the experience of collaborating with a professional recruitment partner.

Tine Westergaard Clausen, HR Director,
Lantmännen Unibake Danmark Frost A/S

Vi finder dem – vi motiverer dem – vi vurderer dem